Going on holiday with your pet is possible, especially with Unico Costa Brava L'Escala, as long as you respect both the animal and the accommodation.

Contact the agency to find out the standards of the country, which accommodations are "Pet Friendly" and under what conditions. We can also inform you of the places where your pet will be allowed, in which wood, which beach you can go for a walk ...

NB: To enter Spain, your pet must have a passport and have been vaccinated against rabies for less than a year.

If you travel by car, think that, like you, your pet will need to make some stops: to stretch his legs, drink water etc.

In the accommodation: respect for the facilities and hygiene are the basics. Inform yourself if someone from the agency will have to enter the house for garden or pool maintenance, cleaning ... It will help  finding the best formula or schedule to avoid scares and accidents with your pet.

So, in which accommodation are you coming on holidays with your best friend this year?